Spring is Here!

Spring is here and life seems to be busier than ever! There are so many posts I want to write but can’t seem to find the time. So here’s a quick update until I get a weekend to sit down and write everything out!

– The Washington Outdoor Women’s waterfowling workshop was an amazing experience! I learned so much and met some great women! I can’t wait to get out this fall and put to use everything I learned. Expect many long, picture filled posts to come! 

– I achieved my goal of running a 5k this year (picture above after finishing)! It was raining the entire time, but I did it! On my way with my fitness goals. Next goal is to up the arm workouts for bow hunting. 

– I’m going to buy a bow in the next couple weeks, really when I get a time to head out and try them. I can’t wait! I feel this purchase will put me down the rabbit hole for a passion of archery.

– I found a lake near me that I’m going to check out for fishing! I can’t wait to spend a few days out relaxing on the water!

So now I just need life to shift to a slower gear to enjoy everything! I’m hoping to get new posts up soon!

I’m jealous of all of you getting out for turkey season! Happy hunting! 🦃

The Versatile Blogger Award


A few months ago, Her Arrow Points North nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award which I am so grateful for!  Go check out her blog, it’s full of good posts and pictures!

It’s great knowing people out there not only read my blog, but enjoy reading it and look forward to my posts.  So thank you so much for nominating me!  Sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to making this post, my life seems to be running at two speeds lately, busy and busier!

The Versatile Blogger Award is to celebrate bloggers who bring something special to your life.  The blogs that I’ve nominated below are ones that I always get excited when I see they have a new post.  They share great hunting stories, amazing pictures, delicious wild game recipes, and make it an enjoyable read from start to finish.

Here are the rules:

– Thank the person that has nominated you
– Include a link to their blog
– Nominate at least 5 blogs of your choice
– Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination
– Share seven different facts about yourself

Here are some random facts about me.  This blog is very hunting focused so I chose things that have nothing to do with the outdoors.

01.  I hosted a classic rock radio show in college that won Best Rock Show, if the radio industry wasn’t dying I would’ve loved to go into radio!
02.  My music taste spans most genres, I’m the person that can sing along to any song on the radio and you want me on your trivia team when it comes to music questions
03.  I love to dance but can’t follow steps to save my life, I can only do my own thing to the beat
04.  I’ve only ever traveled to states along a coastline, my next trip to Texas continues this trend
05.  My top three concerts so far are:  Foo Fighters, Elton John, Luke Bryan (see, I love a lot of different music!)
06.  I love to write — like physically write on a piece of paper, my mind and creativity works better pen to paper than keyboard to computer screen
07.  I’m a tea drinker and hate the taste of coffee, even though I’ve been a barista twice

Here are my nominations!

04. From Field To Plate
05. Harvesting Nature



From Vegetarian To Hunter

You read that right—I used to be a vegetarian  long before I became a hunter.

It’s why when my dad tells people I shot a deer, he follows it up with, “she’s the LAST person I ever would’ve thought would shoot a deer.”

So how did I end up here?  Now butchering my own meat.

country huntress butchering deer

When I was around 16 years old, my best friend and I decided we’d become vegetarians.  There wasn’t much to it.  We likely watched some ridiculous video or read an article and decided it was a good idea.  To be honest, I think it had more to do with being an angsty teenager making things difficult for my parents by refusing to eat meat.  Sorry guys!  I’m sure karma will come back my way when I have my own children!

Here’s the thing, I still loved meat.  Not a day went by that I didn’t want to eat a piece of bacon or a steak.   It hurt to see someone ruin a perfectly good steak by ordering it well-done instead of medium-rare.  Obviously I wasn’t the greatest vegetarian.

So after a year, being a vegetarian became a thing of the past.  Fast forward more than a decade and now I’m a proud hunter.

country huntress deer hunting

How did the pendulum swing so far?

When I started learning more about hunting, one of the things to spark my interest was being able to provide organic meat for my family.  Knowing exactly where your meat is coming from really intrigued me.  It’s why when I shot a deer, I wanted to watch and learn all I could about skinning and gutting a deer.

Later, when my brother showed me how to butcher the meat, I was still intrigued to keep learning.  It was fascinating seeing how all the cuts are connected.  You don’t really realize how it’s all put together when you only buy packaged meat from a store.

Learning how to process a deer myself really gave a new appreciation for meat and where it comes from.  And now I’m able to cook delicious meals with venison and I have no questions about the quality of the meat.  I know because I was involved in the processing of the deer from step one.

One delicious venison meatloaf dinner!

One delicious venison meatloaf dinner!

So it’s a little funny when people who don’t agree with hunting tell me I should be a vegetarian.  Been there, done that—it’s not for me.  Just like hunting might not be for them.

I’m going to keep eating meat whether I hunt or not.  I’d just much rather the meat come from the field than a store!

So, what about you guys?  Anyone else make the same change from vegetarian to hunter?  Share below!

Hey Texas Huntresses!

I’ll be heading your way next month for my first ever Texas trip!

I know a few of you that I follow are from the Lone Star State and I can use your help! I want to maximize my time there to see and experience everything I can. 

I’ll be in the Houston area, so where should I go and what should I see to have the best Texas experience? I know the state is enormous so you might not be near Houston, but I’m looking for any restaurants or stores unique to Texas that I’d never find up here in Washington!

There won’t be any time for hunting unfortunately, but I’d love to check out popular hunting areas to see how much they differ from what I’m used to. 

My family has some Texas roots, so I can’t wait to see the state! And discover how good Texas barbecue really is!

Share your suggestions below and I’ll check them out! I can’t wait to plan this trip!