Washington Outdoors Women – Archery

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

My second workshop of the weekend was Archery.  I’ve had an interest in bow hunting for a couple of years now and was really looking forward to being able to shoot a bow.  The only time I’ve shot a bow before was way back in middle school when they had archery during P.E. one week.  We used recurve bows and I remember loving it/being decent.  So I was hoping I’d still be a pretty good shot!

A local news station came and did a great video on the weekend.  Check it our here and watch the part on our archery workshop!

At first our instructor had us tie a piece of rope that we could use to practice our draw and release.  We stood in a line and practiced releasing the rope a few times, focusing on “painting our faces” with our fingers as we let go.

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

Next, we went over the kind of bows we’d be shooting.  They were compound bows that had a universal draw anyone could learn on, regardless of their arm length.  She said it shot similar to a recurve bow.  Everyone was getting antsy to get out and start shooting but first she went over course safety.  It was helpful knowing the same rules and whistle sounds apply at most archery ranges.

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

Finally, it was time to start shooting!  She handed us three arrows we were to keep using the rest of the day, they matched our draw length so we couldn’t switch with anyone else.  We had three main targets and two animal targets.  At first everyone shot at the big main targets.

Hitting the center of the target!

Hitting the center of the target!


My arrows have the black and red fletchings, and the one arrow missing a fletching.  I immediately fell in love with shooting the bow!  There’s something very relaxing about focusing on the target and hearing a nice “thud” when it hits where you want it to go.

After 20 minutes of everyone getting comfortable with the bows, our instructor decided to add some bullseye targets.  I liked the added challenge of really seeing where the arrow was landing.



Then, our instructor added balloons to the targets and the fun really started!  There were several of us shooting at one target, so we’d call out which balloons we were trying to hit.  It definitely brought all the women closer, cheering each other on when they made a great shot.

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

My arrow, right above the pink balloon. It became my mission to hit that pink balloon!

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

Took out the yellow balloon, but the pink balloon still escaped me. We wondered if my first arrow skimmed it because the balloon began shrinking, making it that much harder to hit!

Maybe if I focus harder I can hit the balloon haha

Maybe if I focus harder I can hit the balloon haha

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

Finally got it!

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

A nice 10, 9, and 8 hit!

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

By this point, we had been shooting the bows for a couple of hours and I was absolutely in love.  The instructor walked up to me and said, you’ve been bitten by the archery bug!  She was so right!

They added a bear target and smaller bullseye targets.  We then took turns going down the line and shooting at each of the targets.  It was another activity that had all the women cheering for each other.  Some of the targets were harder to hit, especially that turkey!  So women made it their goal to hit it at least once and everyone was beyond excited for them when they did make the shot.

IMG_7991Washington Outdoor Women Archery

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

Lung shot!


This dang turkey was a lot of people’s enemy, not easy to hit! I’m not sure my shot would kill it haha.

Washington Outdoor Women Archery

Hitting the bear target!

The workshop was four hours and we probably shot for 3.5 of those.  Toward the end, some of the women asked to take a break.  Four of us kept shooting.  I really couldn’t get enough of it.  I was loving every minute of it and really didn’t want this workshop to end.  I think my face shows how happy I was doing this, I had a permanent smile.


I’m glad I took the workshop because I now know that investing in a bow is definitely worth it.  I hope to be able to get a bow soon and begin practicing.  I want to get out next season with it!

I can’t choose which workshop was my favorite, but this was definitely up there!  This is when I knew I’d be coming back to the workshop next fall.

Stay tuned for my next post on an impromptu fly fishing course!

6 thoughts on “Washington Outdoors Women – Archery

  1. Pingback: Washington Outdoors Women – Archery | Brittius

  2. Good shootin there tex! Can’t go wrong when you pick the best color bow… Blue! Practicing today between rain showers. And getting a bow set up for a friend to borrow. I love reading your stories. The passion is there. I can see it. Keep it up….

    • Thanks! I can’t claim picking the bow for the color, the instructor handed them out to us for which one to use. That’s great you’re getting out shooting!

      I’m glad you enjoy reading my blog!

  3. Pingback: Washington Outdoor Women Fall Retreat Registration | Country Huntress

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